In 1971 Professor Charles Csuri proposed a formal organization, called the Computer Graphics Research Group (CGRG) in order to realize the potential of the application of computer animation to the studies of students in the Art Department, and to have a formal cohort that could attract external research support. Members of CGRG included faculty and graduate students from Art, Industrial Design, Photography and Cinema, Computer and Information Science, and Mathematics.
In 1987, the Computer Graphics Research Group was converted into The Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design, with funding from a long-term Ohio Board of Regents Academic Challenge grant. ACCAD was established to provide computer animation resources in teaching, research and production for all departments in the College of Arts and Sciences at Ohio State.
In 2023, CGRG was reestablished at ACCAD, this time as the Collaborative Gaming Research Group to formalize a growing cohort of faculty and students engaged in games research. CGRG proudly acknowledges the rich past under which its namesake was founded.